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Influenced MN

What influences you?

National Social Media Day

Social media is an everyday occurrence in a majority of our lives. It pertains to our jobs, our social circles, news, our community. It is ever changing and evolving. From Pinterest to Instagram to Facebook and Twitter, social media means a vast amount of things to different people.  It allows us to be funny or serious, to talk about real issues or just to waste a few minutes during a workday. We can post our ideas and find a fresh place to explore. Somewhere to meet new people or to find those we’ve lost touch with. But at the core of social media is this idea that we can all be connected. We can all be inspired and have a platform to inspire others. We can all be creative and have a place to spark creativity in others.

National Social Media Day is June 30, to celebrate, our team at Acowsay Cinema produced a mini-docu series to shine light on the positivity that can be found within social media. 





Tom Horgen

Star Tribune

Evelyn Irvin

Fashionista Over 40

Spencer johnson

Sota Clothing

Meet the Influencers

We interviewed 5 Twin Cities Influencers and asked them to share their behind-the-scenes commentary on the role social media plays in our lives. We asked them: "What influences you?"


David + Andrew

Cafe racers of Instagram


Kate Arends

wit & Delight



credits // 

Produced By: Sarah Edwards
Directed By: Tyler Eichorst
Shot By: Tyler Eichorst, Alyse Iorio, Alec Kintigh 
Edited By: Alyse Iorio